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Hello. My name is David C Bond. That’s my professional Art World name. I’m really more of a Dave character. I’m entirely unpretentious and down to earth. Boring in fact, placid. I’ve been involved with the arts in one way or another for my whole life. Art history, art school, artist, appraiser, entrepreneur. These are all in my past. Since 2013 I’ve had the incredible good fortune to be involved with the life and work of Natalia Gontcharova. She’s like my spiritual God Mother. I relate to her work at a level of 100%. I’ve collected and studied many things and all outside the mainstream art community. I call myself a primitivist scholar as in I have no affinity or connection to academia. I’m a self starter, an auto didact and a person who connects with objects as much or more than ideas.   

I don’t really ‘do’ websites. I spend as little time on computers as possible. I prefer museums. So it’s funny to be having this site but it’s important that you know what I’m up to. In 2022 I spent 6 months posting weekly a sort of Goncharova primer/discovery story on Linkedin in an effort to break out of my horribly isolated cultural life. I had to/have to share what I’ve figured out about her or else go insane. The process turned out to be pretty successful. I met and continue to meet a lot of interesting and important people one of whom, the one I respect the most, encouraged me to put this site together. Thank you to him and here you go. Numbered posts 1-24 are all from Linkedin. It helps if you read them in order but obviously you don’t have to. I will probably, eventually post more but not for a bit. Those won’t be numbered. I appreciate you reading, being willing to get involved. As I like to say the greater the understanding, the greater the value. I hope we can meet one day. Cheers! Dave  

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